Friday, October 4, 2013

Upcoming Events

Just wanted to let you know about upcoming special events at Fresh Market Midlothian.  As soon as an event is scheduled, and I have more information, it will be in my weekly Wednesday "Wine and Food Tasting" post.

Thursday Tastings
Beginning next week (Oct. 10th), thru the end of the year, Thursdays will be added to the tasting schedule.  I will now post my "Wine and Food Tasting" on Wednesdays.  With Jenna no longer at Fresh Market, and Teneisha going on maternity leave,  I need to learn about the various cheeses.   What better way to learn, than taste and learn with you.  Thursdays will be wine and cheese.  A great way to discover new cheeses.  Last week, Humbolt Fog was a new discovery and hit.

Rex-Goliath Photo Labels
Come have  your photo taken and it will be placed on the bottle(s) of Rex-Goliath that you purchase.  A great gift idea for the holidays.

Save Me, San Francisco Wine Co.
I am VERY excited about this.  Save Me, San Francisco Wine Co. is from the band Train.  Proceedes from the sale of this wine are donated to support Family House, a non-profit organization providing temporary housing to families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital.  These wines will be coming in to Fresh Market and it will be a competition between all the Fresh Markets in the region who will bring in the most donations.  Fresh Market Midlothian customers rallied for Junior Diabetes and the Midlothian store was FIRST in the region.  I have every confidence my wonderful customers will rally and help to make the Midlothian store #1 again while supporting a very worthy cause.  For more information on Save Me, San Francisco Wine Co. you can visit their website and watch their video.

October 26th & 27th
The last weekend in October Fresh Market will be sampling out some of their fall products.  On Saturday there will be Trick-or-Treating for children and candy at various tables.  Sunday I will be pouring wine.  

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