Sunday, June 22, 2014

Recipes: Over Cream Cheese and Cheese AND I have a favor to ask.

(Favor - Updated 6/24/14)

Friday night was like another cocktail party.  It's so much fun to sample, sip wine, and share recipes.  My customers are getting to know each other, and I met new customers. 

Not having hours to prepare food I resorted to "over cream cheese".  However, I needed a change from cream cheese and was thinking Brie when Nicole suggested Fromage d'Affinois. Great idea.

Simple. Simple. Simple!

First was Stonewall Kitchen's Hot Pepper Peach Jam over Fromage d'Affinois.  I garnished this with a rough chop of smoked almonds. 

SOLD OUT of cheese, jam, and crackers!

My other quick party food was Robert Rothschild's Roasted Pineapple & Habanero Dip over Cream Cheese.  

SOLD OUT of the dip.

Now for my favor ...  When you shop at The Fresh Market upon checking out there will be a code at the bottom of your receipt. (It does not print on every receipt.  It appears to be random.) This is for an online survey.  If you have the time please take the survey.  Aside from the customer service, please mention that you enjoy the food samplings in the store.  This would hopefully help me to get hours for my food sampling.  Plus the survey would help everyone else in the store.  THANK YOU!

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