Sunday, December 1, 2013

Recipes: Mediterranean Cheese Ball - Savory Hot Pepper Spread - Water Chestnut Dip - Goat Cheese and Red Pepper Jelly - Manchego with Fig & Ginger Jam - Croissant with Fresh Strawberries and Peppermint Dark Chocolate Sauce

I am my own worst critic when it comes to cooking.  Did I select the right recipe?  Is it flavorful?  Too much seasoning?  Not enough seasoning?  Will anyone enjoy it?  But all those questions, and stress, vanish when I hear ---  "Mmmmm", "This is delicious.",  "This one's my favorite."  That is music to my ears. I am happy to say, those were the responses to this weekends samplings.  I can't say any particular dish/recipe was the standout favorite.  All were crowd pleasers.  All are EASY to prepare.

This first recipe is from Stonewall Kitchen's website. (If you've looked at my other recipes on this blog, you know I enjoy their products.)  I made a few tweeks.  For the original recipe please go to their website. 

Savory Hot Pepper Spread
1 small jalapeno, finely minced
8 oz. package herb goat cheese, 
4 oz. package of cream cheese, 
1 tsp. Stonewall Kitchen 
     Carmelized Onion Mustard
6 Tbl. Stonewall Kitchen 
     Hot Pepper Jelly
2 Tbl. basil, finely chopped
2 Tbl. Italian parsley, finely chopped
TFM Entertainment Crackers or 
     TFM Garlic French Rounds

In medium size bowl combine all ingredients except cracker/French Rounds. Mix until uniform.

Place in a serving bowl.  Serve with crackers/French Rounds.

This has great flavor.  A nice balance of spicy and sweet.


Having seen the Greek Cream Cheese & Greek Yogurt on the shelf, I wanted to use it in a recipe.  

Mediterranean Cheese Ball
16 oz. Greek Cream Cheese & 
     Greek Yogurt   
1 jar (7 oz.) roasted red pepper,
1 c. crumbled feta cheese 
2 shallots, diced            
24 pitted Kalamata olives, chopped
6 Tbl. chopped, fresh Italian parsley
1 tsp. Cavendar’s Greek seasoning
1 c. pine nuts, toasted
TFM Entertainment Crackers

In a medium bowl combine all ingredients except pine nuts and crackers.  Form into two cheeseballs.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Prior to serving (within 3 hours) roll each ball in pine nuts.  
Place on a serving dish.  Serve with TFM Entertainment Crackers.

Yields:  2 cheeseballs

If you don't enjoy pine nuts, you can use almonds or walnuts.


I found the following recipe in The Fresh Market's 25th Anniversary The Fresh Market & Friends Cookbook.  

Water Chestnut Dip
1 c. mayonnaise
8 oz. sour cream
¼ c. red onion, finely chopped
¼ c. chopped, fresh Italian parsley
½ lb. water chestnuts, 
     drained and chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Tbl. Tamari soy sauce
Black sesame seeds (optional)
White sesame seeds, toasted (optional)
Sesmark Rice Crackers with Sesame 

In a medium mixing bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, onioon, parsley, water chestnuts, garlic and soy sauce, mixing unitl well combined.  Cover and refrigerate.

When ready to serve, place dip in a serving bowl.  Combine black and white sesame seeds and garnish dip.  Serve (chilled) with rice crackers.

This has great crunch and flavor. Nice change from all things cheese.  A bit too much garlic for me (being my own worst critic), but customers enjoyed it. 


With the Thanksgiving holiday I was not able to go in to Fresh Market to prepare my food.  Thursday I had to come up with something quick and something easy.   My stand-by is typically a warm brie, but I wanted something different.  Hence the two recipes that follow.  

Goat Cheese and Red Pepper Jelly
4 oz. or 10 oz. goat cheese
1 jar Stonewall Kitchen Red Pepper Jelly
TFM Entertainment Crackers

Smear goat cheese on crackers.  Top with Red Pepper Jelly.  Place on serving dish.  Serve.

This is from Stonewall Kitchens website. 

Fig & Ginger Jam with Manchego
1 wedge Manchego cheese
1 jar Stonewall Kitchen 
     Fig & Ginger Jam
TFM Entertainment Crackers

Using a potato peeler, shave Manchego.  Set aside.

Smear jam on cracker.  Place on serving dish.  Top each cracker with Manchego.  Serve.

This and Chardonnay were the perfect pairing.


The last recipe is dessert.  Thursday I was browsing the holiday issue of The Fresh Market's Inspirations.  I came across TFM's Peppermint Dark Chocolate Sauce.  I had to taste it.  Although it would be great on ice cream, that wasn't practical for me to sample.  So I decide on croissants.  To me the Peppermint flavor just says "holidays".

Croissants with Fresh Strawberries and Peppermint Dark Chocolate Sauce
6 TFM croissants, 
     sliced (horizontally) in half 
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
¾ - 1 c. heavy cream
¾ - 1 c. confectioners' sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
8 oz. strawberries, sliced

1 jar TFM Peppermint Dark Chocolate Sauce

Place cream cheese and ¾ cup heavy cream in a medium mixing bowl.  Beat on HIGH until soft peaks form.  Add ¾ cup confectioners' sugar.  Continue beating until well incorporated.  Add vanilla and beat until incorporated.  If mixture is not sweet enough beat in more confectioners' sugar.  If mixture is too thick beat in additional cream.  

Place each croissant on a serving dish.  Open up.  Top bottom half of croissant with cream mixture and sliced strawberries.  Place top of croissant on top of strawberries.  Drizzle with chocolate sauce (heated according to directions on jar).  Serve.


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