Sunday, August 31, 2014

Recipes: Dilla-licious Ham Pinwheels - Sesame Cream Cheese

Dillapeno is my new addiction.  Since I had time to "play" at the store I grabbed a jar of Dillapeno, hoping to create a quick and delicious treat for everyone to enjoy this Labor Day weekend. (Plus I needed more Dillapeno juice for my Dirty Dillapenos.) Everyone is familiar with Ham rolled with cream cheese and pickles.  Since Dillapeno is delicious mixed into so many things, I decided on Ham rolled with cream cheese and Dillapeno.  

Dilla-licious Ham Pinwheels
8 oz. TFM cream cheese, softened
½ c. Dillapeno, drained
8 slices Virginia ham

Place cream cheese and Dillapeno in a medium bowl.   Blend until thoroughly combined.  Lay a slice of ham on a flat surface.  Spread with cream cheese mixture (to the ends).  Roll ham up tightly.  Place on a dish (or in a container), seam side down.  Repeat for remaining ham slices.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.  Remove from refrigerator.  Trim ends off ham rolls and slice each roll into 4 bite-size pieces.  Place on serving platter.  Serve. 

This was a HUGE hit with my taste testers and customers.  I have to prepare this again for Super Bowl.  

I typically use Mickleberry ham in my recipes, just because it is a customer favorite.  However, Virginia ham was on sale so I used that.  The hint of sweet from the ham and the spicy from Dillapeno was the perfect combination.


Sesame cream cheese is always a customer favorite.  Please refer to it's previous post of November 3, 2013.

I want to thank Joey from San-J for sending  me basting brushes that I could give to my customers.  Greatly appreciated by all!

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