Monday, August 4, 2014

Recipes: Hibiscus Flower with Chevre, Chive and Black Pepper - Dillapeno over Cream Cheese

Wild Hibiscus Flowers ... the first time I saw this product was 7+ years ago at Kroger.  I asked the Wine Consultant what they were and his response was, "Flowers you put in champagne. Not worth doing."  Fast forward to last year when Tom let me prepare food for sampling.  There on the shelf ... Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup.  I had to check out what was not worth doing.  I went to Hibiscus' website and found some great recipes.  I knew then it wasn't just something you put in champagne.  This was a product my customers HAD to taste.  Ever since I sampled Wild Hibiscus Flowers at the store last year, it is a product that sells very well. Heck, when I samplied it out at the store Sunday I SOLD OUT!

Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup brings out the caterer in me.  The appetizers you can make with them are beautiful, easy to prepare and delicious.  These are the perfect pairing for "bubbles" - Champagne, sparkling, Cava, or Prosecco.

Hibiscus Flower with Chevre, Chive and Black Pepper Appetizer
1 jar (8.8 oz.) Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup
4 oz. Chevre (goat cheese)
chives, cut into 2-inch pieces
fresh black pepper

Drain hibiscus flowers and set aside.  Reserve syrup for other recipes/uses - vinaigrette, mousse, ice cream topping, drizzle over cheese cake.

Pinch off small amounts of cheese and roll into 11 balls.  Open flower petals and put cheese into flower.  Place on serving dish.  Spinkle with black pepper.  Lay a cut chive across the top.  Serve.

Customers loved this recipe.  But what boggled my mind was how many customers asked me, "can you eat these?"  My mental answer was, "really? why would I be serving something you couldn't eat?"  My verbal answer was, "absolutely! and they are delicious."

I have reserved the syrup from my samplings and taken it home with me.  I played and made Hibiscus Mousse.  I want to play with that at the store - pound cake, hibiscus syrup drizzle, hibiscus mousse and fresh berries.  Sounds yummy to me. When I have the time, and if Tom gives me some hours, I'll "create" and sample that out.

I'll be sampling Hibiscus Flowers with Mascarpone on Saturday, August 9th.  DELICIOUS!

If you missed any of my Hibiscus samplings at Valentine's Day (2014) or over the holidays (2013), go to my recipe index for the postings/recipes/comments.


My second sampling was Dillapeno.  I saw this on the shelf when I was doing my Tuesday wine tasting at Fresh Market Parham.  (Don't tell them, but I call them my "guinea pig store".  I ocassionally try something there and if I think my customers will enjoy it at Midlothian I sample it out.) This was a winner.  (But I have to tell you, Coconut Bacon ... not so much.  TFM Midlothian will not be seeing that product on my table.)

Dillapeno over Cream Cheese
1 jar Smithers Family Kitchen Dillapeno, drained
1 (8 oz.) pkg. TFM cream cheese
1 pkg. TFM Entertainment Crackers

Place cream cheese on serving plate and top with desired amount of Dillapeno.  Serve.

Customers loved this product.  Next weekend I'm sampling this mixed in TFM's Rotisserie Chicken Salad.  My taste testers sampled a test run for me this past Saturday and LOVED it.


  1. How does the hibiscus taste with the chives?

    1. Anna. Chives are very mild. In this recipe, it's more for adding texture and color.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
