Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Do you Dillapeno?

Dillapeno Fans.

Dillapeno Fans to be.

Non-Dillapeno fans (because you find it too spicy) who will become Dillapeno Fans.

At my TFM Parham wine tasting last night I selected the Jarlsberg Spread to sample out.   Because it was not a busy evening I had time to think (FYI - that translates to "The store wasn't busy so I was bored.") what food could I sample at TFM Midlo next time.  I had a light bulb moment --- DILLAPENO! You know it's my addiction.  What could be easier than TFM's Jarlsberg Spread topped with Dillapeno?  Grabbed the jar off the shelf and magic.  Customers enjoyed the combination and some even said the Jarlsberg Spread tasted better with Dillapeno.  

You could mix Dillapeno into the spread if you like.  I let customers put it on top themselves.  I think it also looks prettier.  Look how Dillapeno glistens; like green and orange jewels. (However, I would use a cracker that wasn't so "pale".)  Anyway, for those that don't like a little spice in their life, the dairy in the spread calms down the "heat".  Give it a try.  You'll be glad you did!

Since the Jarlsberg Spread is seasonal at TFM you can also make your own.  I have Jarlsberg Bacon Spread posted.  Serious.  What doesn't go with bacon?

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