Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shiloh Update

I've said it before and I'll say it again, and again, and again ... 

At my tasting Friday night a number of customers heard about Shiloh.  Saturday when they came in to the store they asked how he was doing and for me to post an update.  I am so VERY happy to say Shi came home this morning!

The internal bleeding has stopped.  The stroke has his walking off a bit, but not too bad. Can't do the stairs and has to be carried for that (something in his 14½ years of life, he's NEVER let us do).  It's the least of his issues.  His bronchial pneumonia is being treated.  He'll have x-rays in 10 days to see if the pneumonia is cleared up.  If it is he will have surgery to remove the tumor on his liver.  Between now and then we have to hope he doesn't bleed internally again.

Shi is happy to be home and resting.  I did give him his favorite toy and he was able to play with it. He's back to mooching for treats.  All positive signs. So far. So good.

However, he's still not a fan of Peanut (Sarah's Jack Russell).

Thanks for asking and caring!  XOXO

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