Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Recipe: Arugula Salad with Herbed Goat Cheese and Hibiscus Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

Yesterday I went to Fresh Market to select my wines for Friday and see what products were on the shelf for sampling.  I also needed some "cluck" (no "chuck") and a side dish for dinner.  While wandering for product samplings I saw Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup was still on sale for $5.99.  Then I rememebered Wild Hibiscus's Poppy Seed Vinaigrette.  I was feeling creative.  Wild Hibiscus Flowers filled with goat cheese and black pepper ... I love arugula and it has a peppery flavor ... Hibiscus Flowers go nicely with herbs ... I was now in the mood for a salad with dinner!

With a little combining of Wild Hibiscus' recipes and deconstructing ... 

Arugula Salad with Herbed Goat Cheese and Hibiscus Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
5 oz. baby arugula
8 oz. log goat cheese with herbs, cut into ¼-inch slices*
1 tsp. poppy seeds
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
2 Tbl. apple cider vinager
3 Tbl. olive oil
salt and pepper
1 jar (8.8 oz.) Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup

Drain Hibiscus Flowers and reserve syrup.  Set 6 flowers aside. Cut remaining flowers into petals.

Prepare vinagirette: to a small jar (or whisk in a small bowl) add - poppy seeds, mustard, vinager and ¼ cup reserved syrup.  Shake until thoroughly incorporated.  Add olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Shake well.

In a large mixing bowl, add arugula and desired amount of vinaigrette.  Toss gently.  Divide among 6 salad plates.  Scatter Hibiscus flower petals on each plate.  Top with 2 slices of goat cheese.  Garnish with a whole flower.

Yields: 6 servings

*Tip - To get nice even slices of goat cheese:

1. To begin, the cheese needs to be cold. 

 Slice 1
Slice 2, etc.

2. Using a sharp knife, slice through the packaging.

3. Cut packaging away from each slice. (I use my kitchen shears.)

4. Remove a nice round of uncrumbled slice of goat cheese.

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