Sunday, July 19, 2015

Recipes: Stuffed Peppadew

This weekend, Nicole wanted me to stuff Peppadew Peppers from the Delallo salad bar.  She also wanted me to stuff with TFM's Jarlsberg Cheese Spread.  It was a hit at Friday's wine tasting and we sold out of Jarlsberg Cheese Spread.  Because we sold out, Nicole had me use TFM's Original Pimento Cheese Spread for Saturday's wine tasting.  Also a big hit.  A quick, tasty party appetizer.

Stuffed Peppadew
½ - ¾ c. Jarlsberg Cheese Spread, or 
     TFM Original Pimento Cheese Spread
20 Peppadew peppers, drained
Garnish: chopped chives, chopped parsley

Place filling in Peppadew and place on serving dish.  Garnish with your choice of chives or parsley.  Serve.

Does it get any easier than this? Okay, maybe purchasing it already prepared.  

When filling the Peppadews with the cheese spreads it's easier if you use a demitasse spoon.  However, with the smoother TFM Pimento Cheese you could use a piping bag (or sandwich bag with the corner snipped off).

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