Monday, December 14, 2015

Recipes: Artichoke Pesto Spread - Apple Cranberry Turkey Salad - Orange Cranberry Marmalade over Fromage d'Affinois

Tis the Season!  

Bruce took my picture with my cork Christmas trees.  Everyone who see's them just loves them.  They are perfect for me!

I have been so busy with food sampling, time is getting away from me.

Here are the recipes from Saturday.

The hands down favorite ...

Orange Cranberry Marmalade over Fromage d'Affinois
1 jar Stonewall Kitchen 
     Orange Cranberry Marmalade
1 wedge Fromage d'Affinois
2/3 c. Gourmet Nut Blend

Place Fromage d'Affinois on serving plate.  Top with marmalade to taste.  Garnish with nut blend, to taste.  Serve.

This was so easy and so flavorful.  SOLD OUT of the marmalade.  The nut blend is nice too - cranberries, pecans, cashews, and pistachios.


Artichoke Pesto Spread
8 oz. TFM cream cheese, softened
1 jar Stonewall Kitchen 
     Artichoke Pesto
¼ c. sundried tomatoes, chopped
½ c. grated Parmesan cheese

In a medium mixing bowl add cream cheese and pesto.  Mix until well blended.  Transfer to serving plate.  Top with Parmesan. Garnish with sundried tomatoes.

When I prepared this at the store, I used ¼ cup Parmesan.  After my tasting I had some Parmesan left in my prep area and put it on the spread.  It was oh, so much better.  I think increasing the amount of Parmesan to ½ cup (like a small blizzard) would be better, but you can do it to taste.


This next recipe is from Stonewall Kitchen.  I thought it would be a good recipe for using your leftover turkey from the holidays.

Apple Cranberry Turkey Salad
2 c. cooked turkey  or chicken breast, diced
1 box plain couscous with cranberries, cooked 
according to package directions
1 c.  pecans, chopped and toasted
1 apple, cored and diced
2 scallion, diced, including greens
1½ jars Stonewall Kitchen Apple Cranberry Chutney

Combine turkey/chicken, couscous, pecans, apples, and scallions in a medium bowl.  Add chutney and mayonnaise.  Mix well.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

I used chicken at the  store.  Also, I think a whole apple is too much. ½ to ¾ of an apple would be better.  

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